Frequently Asked Questions
The Outdoor Site can be found on Google here(look out for signage for the Lakes/AquaSplash to find the outdoor site)..
The new Indoor Range (and Air Rifle Ranges) are at the other end of Redricks Lane. Enter via a wooden gate on the south side of the road through a field and we are located in one of the buildings in the yard. There is a banner sign by the field gate and amply hard-stand parking.
You can also find us on Waze by searching for "Skill at Arms Sawbridgeworth".
If you are lost or having trouble finding us please call and we can talk you in.
There is amply parking on hard surface at the Indoor Site and a good access road.
There is limited space for spectators at the indoor range and viewing is through a window to the range.
If you wish to shoot your own firearms you may like to take a look at REDRICKS RANGES home page.
We do not condone or entertain any illegal activity especially with firearms, this is our livelihood as well as our hobby. We fully comply with the relevant UK firearms legislation and we are fully insured to cover our liability should anything untoward happen.
Rifle Shooting Experiences
Historic WWII Shooting Experiences
Gamer's Rifle Shooting Experiences
Air Rifle Pay-and-Play
We have recently received a lot of calls about missing or not-sent vouchers with the same issue. In many of these cases the purchaser has used a different email address to the one they regularly check (and often different to the paypal address too). Please make sure when checking for voucher emails to look in both Received and Spam/Junk folders of the correct email address entered during purchase.